Friday, January 2, 2009


WOW! So much to write about! I think this was one of the happiest Christmases I can remember. The girls brought so much fun and joy to the season.

Our Christmas began by an early celebration with the Perrys. Blaire, Caleb and Eli came thru town in their way to Louisiana. Eli is absolutely precious. We had so much fun with them. I wish we saw them more often!

To be funny, I got Taylor a John Deere toolbelt b/c she loves to "work" in the garage with Ryan. I had no idea she would love it so much!!!

Our next Christmas celebration was with my side b/c Aaron and Hillary spent Christmas in San Antonio this year. We had a blast! Everyone spent the night with Mom & Dad, and the next day all the big and little girls watched a movie in our pjs.
Anna Kate and Taylor got a Cabbage Patch dolls from Honey and Hoss. Can you believe those are back? Memories!!!

Hillary has had concerns that she and Anna Kate needed to "bond" more. Well, they definitely did! Here is AK with her new BFF.

Next, we went to the Christmas Eve candlelight service at Prestonwood. This is easily one of my favorite things in life! There is nothing more beautiful to me, which is why I chose to have a candlelighting ceremony in our wedding. This year was very special b/c Taylor was old enough to come to "big church" with us for the first time. Here is a picture of her and Ryan listening to the children's sermon (you can see them if you look closely).

Afterwards, we had Mexican food with the Hulse family. So yummy!

Then, the big moment... SANTA! Taylor wanted Santa to bring her Hungry Hungry Hippos.

The girls also got an easle and chalkboard from Santa. Unfortunately, Anna Kate is Taylor's latest canvas!

Christmas morning we had all the grandparents over for breakfast. This is our own tradition for just our family, and I love it! The girls get to show off all of their new toys, and it's just a neat time for us to celebrate in our own home!

Last but not least, Mom and Dad had the big family over for Christmas lunch. It was delicious. It was a very busy Christmas, but we are so blessed to have so much family to celebrate with!

1 comment:

TEAMMA said...

hey girl.. saw your blog through summers.. looks like you are great! your girls are beautiful!! angela jennings