Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pumpkin carving, pumpkin patch photo shoot and Baylor Homecoming

I haven't posted these sweet pictures of Ryan carving a pumpkin with the girls. They are so crazy about him, and he is the BEST daddy! Here are a few cutes ones...

We went to the pumpkin patch a couple of weeks ago with Scarlett, Bowden and Pierce. We tried really hard to get a cute one of all four of them. This was our best result. I figure that two out of four kids looking and smiling at the camera isn't that bad!

Anna Kate is thoroughly enjoying herself!

I had to post this b/c it is a rare picture of Taylor actually smiling!

The girls and I went to Baylor Homecoming with Mom & Dad again this year. It is so much work to take both of them to the parade and the game, but I love doing it. The girls looked so cute in their Baylor cheerleading uniforms!

One last sweet and funny story... Taylor has learned to say the Lord's Prayer at school. It is the most wonderful thing to hear her sweet voice recite the entire prayer! I hope that she continues to memorize scripture as she grows up. But, the cutest part is at the end. She says "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, adn the glory, forever. Amen. Here's your snack!" It is very obvious that her teachers have them recite the prayer before they give them their morning snack. Too funny!


Allie said...

What! I didn't even know you had a blog! I am so excited to catch up on you this way! How fun! Your girls are adorable and you look better than ever! I love the new kitchen, it is beautiful!

The Luce's said...

Ha! I love her version of the Lord's prayer! So funny...

Jana said...

okay, that is priceless!